The Project unites the efforts of three project partners from Bulgaria, Romania and Spain.

Culture Hub Bulgaria - Coordinator
Club Bizau – Romania
More about the project:

The project will support the youth migrants in the European countries, running from the war in Ukraine, specifically addressing the needs of the cultural youth – musicians, performing and visual artists. Based on our observations, research and activity plans, the objectives of the project are three:

Support for the better inclusion of the migrant Ukrainian youth from the cultural sectors, in the European societies, through improving their outreach in the host countries' audiences.
Overcoming the marginalization of the migrant Ukrainian youth and support for their inclusion in the host countries' educational and labor market, through initiating a promotional campaign about their skillsets, specifically in the fields of performing and visual arts.
Promoting the intercultural dialogue and tolerance towards the migrant Ukrainian youth, through organization of common events and acts of solidarity.
The achievement of the project objectives will lead to the results, which would be tangible and important for the migrant Ukrainian youth, trying to integrate into the host countries' societies, specifically those young people who are studying and working in the fields of performing and visual arts.
Expected results
The project will have a total of three activities, which will lead to results and outcomes, as follows:

Creation and development of an online, virtual common support initiative, where products of performing and visual art of migrant Ukrainian youth will be showcased and promoted. The initiative will be complemented by a storytelling section, where personal stories and showcases of migrant Ukrainian youth will be published. It will contain success stories and lessons learned about their experience in integration into the host countries' societies. The initiative will also host campaigns for supporting individual or group migrant Ukrainian youth activities, such as education and work in the field of performing and visual arts. It will promote their skills, talents and possibilities for work.
The project will also initiate a common cultural activity (fest) for supporting the migrant Ukrainian youth talents. It will be organized in the coordinator's country (Bulgaria) and will bring on one place musicians, performing and visual artists – young people from Ukraine, Bulgaria and/or other European countries, to show their talent, to promote the intercultural dialogue and to demonstrate acts of solidarity.
We believe that the project will support the efforts of all democratic youth from all European countries, to bring our civilization close to the values ​​of humanity, solidarity and mutual support in times of threats and wars.
Target groups
The project is addressing the needs of the following primary target groups:

Migrant youth running form the war in Ukraine, septically from the cultural and creative sectors
Cultural organizations and individuals from the host countries of Ukrainian migrants, specifically those participating in the project.
There are also secondary target groups, which are also going to benefit from the implementation of the project:

Youth from the countries participating in the project, who are interested in intercultural exchange of artistic ideas and initiatives.
The general audience consuming performing and visual arts.